IAM Local 2210 - San Antonio and Austin

International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers

Tell Congress: We Demand Union Neutrality from Delta

Alongside the IAM, Teamsters, and AFA-CWA, The Congressional Labor Caucus (CLC) just sent a strong letter to ALL the members of Congress urging them to sign on to their letter to Delta CEO Ed Bastian urging neutrality towards union organizing efforts.

The letter asks Delta to respect the voices of its employees by pledging not to interfere in any union organizing activities by adopting a neutrality agreement. A neutrality agreement consists of an employer agreeing not to engage in pre-election activities that influence workers’ freedom to form a union, and the letter emphasizes that a neutrality agreement is the bare minimum that Delta should meet to respect the rights of its employees.

IAM International President Brian Bryant also sent a letter strongly urging members of Congress to sign on to the letter to Delta.  

Please join the IAM and the Congressional Labor Caucus in asking your representatives and senators to support workers and urge Delta to stay neutral in our union organizing campaign.

Delta employees have been leading a coordinated campaign to form a union since November 2022, including ramp, cargo and tower workers who want representation by the IAM.

Delta Air Lines Master Executive Council of the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) representing the 17,000 union pilots at Delta Air Lines stands with all of Delta’s employees who are seeking union representation.

The company has a history of utilizing anti-union tactics and is again facing allegations of union-busting in response to this current organizing campaign.

The deadline for your senators and representatives to sign onto the CLC’s letter is Friday, February 9!

Tell them to sign on now by sending a prewritten email!

Updated: October 7, 2024 — 11:04
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