Attached is the redlined edition of the tentative agreement between Southwest Airlines and the IAM. We have asked the company to distribute the electronic version to ensure everyone receives a copy for review. Over the next few days, the General Chairs will be visiting the stations and giving the stewards the details of the agreement so they can answer any of your concerns. We have also established an email address for you to send your questions about the TA to. That email address is You will get a response on any questions submitted and we will be posting a list of those questions and answers on the website.
Next steps will be the posting of the ratification schedule. We will be sending teams to each station to answer your questions. At that time, you will be voting on the agreement. Votes will be sealed and sent to the District office. Once all votes have been received, tellers will count the ballots and the results will be announced.
You should be seeing District representatives coming through your stations over the coming days. We have 103 stations and 7 centers to visit, so this will be a longer process than last time. We ask for your understanding and encourage everyone to go to the District website and sign up for email alerts. Please use your personal email address and we will send you updates regarding ratification.
Your negotiating committee thanks you for your support. This tentative agreement achieved many improvements in your quality-of-life issues that were raised in the proposal stage, and it keeps you at the top of the industry for wages. We strongly recommend a YES vote on this agreement.
Sincerely and fraternally,
April Butler Kenny Champagne Carrie Lessley
General Chair General Chair General Chair
Charity Hamer Oralia ‘Lollie’ Beecher Nancy Shortino Teresa Beynon
(MDW) (MSY) (HC) (PC)
Redline Southwest Airlines Tentative Agreement